Der US-Metal Thread

Lyric video from the upcoming multi-CD and multi-LP package entitled "Up From the Depths: Early Anthology & More" by 80's progressive metal stalwarts from Florida; the mighty SIREN To be released as follows: On CD format by Stormspell Records in February 2018 On LP format by Underground Power Records in April 2018 On digital format in February 2018 The package will contain literally dozens of songs including four, brand new recordings, as well as massive booklet with extensive band story, info, and archive photos.
Der Song klingt einfach nur gruselig. Plastic not only on the floor.
Matt von DIVEBOMB braucht Eure Hilfe:

Here is something everyone can help me do:

Go like the STYGIAN facebook page here:

Then send them a message suggesting they do a reissue with Divebomb Records.

I have been trying for years and need a solid push from fans to get them to see that people want this to happen.

Es geht um dieses Schmuckstück:

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Der Typ ist total Gaga. Und, wie's mir scheint, ein ziemlich radikaler Christ. Da hat Jay von CEA SERIN ja aktuell was zu geschrieben.
Auch er hat die Zusammenarbeit komplett eingestellt, nachdem er für den Kerl kostenlos Instrumente eingespielt hat.
Herrlich. Vor allem oft im Zusammenhang mit "radikaler Christ".
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