Großartige Neuigkeiten vom Trench Crusade:
Greetings Crusaders,
It’s been a busy few months for the Trench Crusade team! The community has grown more than we could ever have imagined and the support we’ve been shown for the game has just been… well, nothing short of incredible.
Any wargame is only as strong as its community and Trench Crusade’s has been growing like crazy. We’re not kidding when we say that all your support is the driving force behind what we’re doing here. We want this to continue more than anything and plan on showing our gratitude, not only by delivering a great game, but by being as open and transparent as we can about what's going on. Within reason of course – we don’t want to spoil any surprises either!
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Regarding the original Communicant Kickstarter delivery is now complete, barring a few returns or missing parcels (which are being dealt with – any issues or concerns, send us a message). To everyone that backed the campaign, thank you! You have all shown a level of understanding and patience which is, quite frankly, rare nowadays.
It’s out of respect for you guys that we didn’t want to talk too much about the future of the Trench Crusade until now and we’re very excited to finally do so!
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What’s in the Kickstarter?
- A hardback book that will be the definitive collection of Trench Crusade lore and rules by Tuomas Pirinen as well as the art of Mike Franchina and other legends including John Blanche, Dave Gallagher, Des Hanley and Paul Bonner.
- A full set of miniatures, including starter sets; sculpted by James Sherriff, Saint Decent, Wilph, Joake RevillaMartin, Chris Cleve, Akshay Kumar and other talented artists.
- Everything will be available physicallyand digitally.
- Terrain, tokens and more…
We may be publishing a book but we remain committed to the game’s living rulebook and a version of the core rules will always be available to download for free.
We’ll also be doing something quite different when it comes to manufacturing and delivery which aims to have miniatures on their way to you as quickly as possible.
- Physical models will be 3D printed in highly detailed and resilient resin by Only-Games and shipped worldwide.
- Digital models will be provided as supported and unsupported files via MyMiniFactory.
These can start fulfilling as soon as you’ve finished your pledge manager. Our hope is to see games being played with official Trench Crusade miniatures before the year is out.
Our main goal for this campaign is to get Trench Crusade out there and get you all playing. The profits we make will be going towards developing the game even further:
- More game
- More minis
- More art
- More community support
We’re in this for the long run and we’d be honoured if you’d like to join us on this crusade.
We’ll end things here for now but rest assured we’ll be back with more news in the run up to the big day.
See you on the front lines, soldiers!
The Trench Crusade Team
Da weiß ich schon, wo mein Geld hingeht. Absolut unterstützenswert.