Spell - Neues Album: Tragic Magic (VÖ: 28.10.2022)

Hey guys,
Thanks to Iron Ulf for posting and Daskeks for inviting me to this forum. I'm Cam, the singer from Spell. I appreciate those of you who enjoy the album - thank you. We put everything we had into it, all of our spare time for years, rehearsing almost every day, and all of our money. Everything else in our lives suffered because we only focused on the the album. Those of you who don't like it - that's fine too, it's not for everyone.

I have no German, but I've followed along a bit with google translate, so thanks to those who care enough about heavy metal to post about it, discuss it, defend it from poseurs. I'm happy to answer if you have any questions, or if you want to tell me that my band sucks that's ok too. We live for heavy metal and we'll die from it too.
Hey guys,
Thanks to Iron Ulf for posting and Daskeks for inviting me to this forum. I'm Cam, the singer from Spell. I appreciate those of you who enjoy the album - thank you. We put everything we had into it, all of our spare time for years, rehearsing almost every day, and all of our money. Everything else in our lives suffered because we only focused on the the album. Those of you who don't like it - that's fine too, it's not for everyone.

I have no German, but I've followed along a bit with google translate, so thanks to those who care enough about heavy metal to post about it, discuss it, defend it from poseurs. I'm happy to answer if you have any questions, or if you want to tell me that my band sucks that's ok too. We live for heavy metal and we'll die from it too.

Thank you for the music ;)
Looking forward to more SPELL in the future!
Hey guys,
Thanks to Iron Ulf for posting and Daskeks for inviting me to this forum. I'm Cam, the singer from Spell. I appreciate those of you who enjoy the album - thank you. We put everything we had into it, all of our spare time for years, rehearsing almost every day, and all of our money. Everything else in our lives suffered because we only focused on the the album. Those of you who don't like it - that's fine too, it's not for everyone.

I have no German, but I've followed along a bit with google translate, so thanks to those who care enough about heavy metal to post about it, discuss it, defend it from poseurs. I'm happy to answer if you have any questions, or if you want to tell me that my band sucks that's ok too. We live for heavy metal and we'll die from it too.

Welcome and thank you for this song in particular:

Welcome and thank you for this song in particular:


Thanks, I'm glad you dig it. Some people were talking about the similarities to Accept's Russian Roulette. I'm happy to talk about that. It wasn't intentional, but it's true. I'm sure that song was floating around somewhere in my subconscious when I wrote it. No musician is an island, there's no such thing as pure creativity without influence from the bands that inspire you - not that this excuses rip-offs. I dunno, it's a tough question and a fine line to walk, I'd say it's pretty difficult to be in love with music and trying to write original pieces without some parts of the thousands of songs I've heard slip in accidentally. We do our best.
Thanks, I'm glad you dig it. Some people were talking about the similarities to Accept's Russian Roulette. I'm happy to talk about that. It wasn't intentional, but it's true. I'm sure that song was floating around somewhere in my subconscious when I wrote it. No musician is an island, there's no such thing as pure creativity without influence from the bands that inspire you - not that this excuses rip-offs. I dunno, it's a tough question and a fine line to walk, I'd say it's pretty difficult to be in love with music and trying to write original pieces without some parts of the thousands of songs I've heard slip in accidentally. We do our best.

It was me talking about the similarities of that song. But that should be no accusation. I was just wondering and thinking that this chorus reminds me of some other song. So my brain didn't stop thinking about it until it came to my mind that it could be that particular Accept song. So I gave it a listen and there was that chorus that reminds me so much of 'The Veil'.
I believe you any way that you did not do it intentionally. Every musician has its influences which takes part in the songwriting. No problem with that. If I would write songs, they would all sound like Venom. :D

Nevertheless, I really like your record and especially 'The Veil'. The record grows every time I listen to it! Really well done, guys! :top::feierei:
ich hätte das Weiße genommen aber das ist ja schon ausverkauft:hmmja: und von dem Schwarzen sind auch bloß noch 2 da...
Seit heute kann ich das Album analog anhören! :jubel:
Das rote Vinyl rotiert seither ohne Unterlass...was für ein saustarkes Album! 10/10 Punkte
Ja, so geht`s mir auch und ich bin ja wirklich nicht der größte Hörer der traditionellen Spielarten. Irgendwie fräst sich das bei mir so richtig in den Schädel und will da auch nicht mehr raus. Auch die Bestellung des ersten Vinyl per Bandcamp war keine schlechte Enscheidung, auch wenn das noch nicht ganz so ausgefeilt klingt.
Mach einfach Spaß!
Irgendwie klingt's für mich wie eine Mischung aus frühen Ghost (ohne Mummenschanz) und Aktor. Insofern also ein recht zugängliches Album mit ein paar BÖC-Referenzen. Verwundert hat mich gerade aber folgendes: Die Riffs von "Too Late" und "The Veil" ähneln sich doch irgendwie, kann das sein?
Ich befürchte ja, dass die Genialität dieses Albums erst in einigen Jahren erkannt wird. Wenn überhaupt. Ich sehe da durchaus Parallelen zur letzten Trial. Das Album war auch so ungewöhnlich in seiner Struktur und Atmosphäre, dass wohl einige Fans damit überfordert waren. Aber das sind eben dann auch die Alben, die bleiben. Beste Songs: Das ganze Album.

P.S.: Diese immer mal wieder kurz eingestreuten, sehnsuchtsvollen Atmo-Parts sind für mich das Sahnehäubchen auf der Scheibe.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Melodische Schönheit, emotionale Eindringlichkeit, abgefahrene Schrägheiten, unerwartete Wendungen, ungewöhnliche Strukturen. Alle Beschreibungen sind durchweg positiv gemeint. Solche Musik kann man nur direkt aus dem Bauch und ohne Kalkül bezüglich einer eventuellen künftigen Hörerschaft machen. So gehört sich das! Ich bin begeistert!
Melodische Schönheit, emotionale Eindringlichkeit, abgefahrene Schrägheiten, unerwartete Wendungen, ungewöhnliche Strukturen. Alle Beschreibungen sind durchweg positiv gemeint. Solche Musik kann man nur direkt aus dem Bauch und ohne Kalkül bezüglich einer eventuellen künftigen Hörerschaft machen. So gehört sich das! Ich bin begeistert!
Hätte man nicht besser ausdrücken können :top::feierei:
Was für eine Hammerscheibe. Kauzig, oldschool und eigenständig. So wie ich es mag.

Klingt nicht nach Priest, Maiden oder Lizzy (was in meinen Ohren in letzter Zeit zu oft der Fall war).

Ok, der Mittelpart von Russian Roulette wurd fast 1:1 für "The Veil" kopiert aber ich glaube ihm, wenn er sagt das war keine Absicht.
Ist halt einfach eine geile Melodie *g*.

Gefällt mit sogar ein wenig besser als die ebenfalls tolle Wytch Hazel.

In einer gerechten Welt würden beide Bands jetzt auf große Tournee in ausverkauften Hallen gehen. Aber wenn eines sicher ist, dann, dass die Welt
nicht gerecht ist.

Also tut den Jungs einen Gefallen und kauft das Ding.
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