Deaf Leppard
Eure nächste Lieblingsband!!!!
Influences include rock from the late 60s-70s, including Crazy World of Arthur Brown, Bobby Beausoleil, Black Widow, Hawkwind, early Stooges, Thin Lizzy, plus some lesser known acts like Sudden Death, Stone Axe and Astaroth. Theme wise Psychic Mass is influenced by various facets of underground culture plus their own personal experience. You might like such recording if you also are into Coven, The Devil's Blood, Blood Ceremony, Jex Thoth, Jefferson Airplane. Psychick Occult Rock all the way!
Bald verfügbar als Kassette für die erste mal via Chicken Dance Recordings (200 Examplare) und Exklusiv Verteilung durch Messe Noire Productions.
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