NIGHT MAGIC (Ex- Hour of 13)

Das mit der Hour of 13 Europatour ist inzwischen konkret. Soweit ich weiß, sind sie auf den Dutch Doom Days schon fixiert (28./29. Oktober) und inzwischen auch am Doom over Vienna (10./11. November) fix.
Die Tour wird wohl maximal bis zum Hammer of Doom (17./18. November) gehen (so sie der Oli haben will ;)), der Mark könnte aber durchaus noch Hilfe gebrauchen, falls wer die Band wohin holen will, oder wen kennt (der/die wen kennt...). Also legt euch ins Zeug :D :

"Mark Leigh" <>
"SHADOW KINGDOM RECORDS is proud to present a long-overdue demos & rarities collection from thee immortal HOUR OF 13, appropriately titled Salt The Dead: The Rare And Unreleased. Across this massive collection, one will find HOUR OF 13's very first steps into doom metal godhood, alongside alternate recordings of fan favorites.[...]"

"Coming out in 4 formats:
SKR125DCD (DIGIPAK) - Estimated release date: April 2017
SKR125DLP - Estimated release date: June 2017
SKR125CT - Estimated release date: April 2017
DIGITAL - Estimated release date: OUT NOW!"

Ein Traum wird wahr. Mein bester Kumpel und ich hatten uns schon damit abgefunden niemals einer unserer absoluten Lieblingsbands live zu sehen.
Vom Chad Davis:

"So now that the cat's out of the bag, Hour of 13 will be doing one final tour of Europe from October 27 to November 12. Hooded Priest will be joining us and so will Anette of The Sabbathian helping out on some vocals. Lineup for this tour is Anaïs Chareyre,Daithi O'Cuinn and Anette Uvaas Gulbrandsen.

This will be my final jaunt into the live domain as far as tours go, and I aim to make it the best one I'll ever have

To all of the supporters and people I've met because of music, I have eternal love for all of you."

Vom Chad Davis:

"So now that the cat's out of the bag, Hour of 13 will be doing one final tour of Europe from October 27 to November 12. Hooded Priest will be joining us and so will Anette of The Sabbathian helping out on some vocals. Lineup for this tour is Anaïs Chareyre,Daithi O'Cuinn and Anette Uvaas Gulbrandsen.

This will be my final jaunt into the live domain as far as tours go, and I aim to make it the best one I'll ever have

To all of the supporters and people I've met because of music, I have eternal love for all of you."

German Dates bitte!
Ansonsten Rotterdam.
Vom Mark Leigh, dem Booker der 15-Tage Hour of 13/Hooded Priest Europatour (und Dublin Doom Days Veranstalter):

"After months of hard work and a fully booked tour the Hour Of 13 European Tour will now not be happening.
Chad has had a few personal issues with work and other things and has decided he cannot go ahead with the tour in Autumn.
Thanks to all the promoters who booked shows for their understanding of the situation and support band Hooded Priest who gave up Summer vacation to do this tour as well as Anaïs, Daithi and Ger for their endeavour and rehearsals only to face this news this morning.
Obviously this leaves a slot on Dublin Doom Days to be filled. To say I'm gutted is an understatement."
Ich habe es mir fast gedacht.
Das Album is ja auch schon seit Ewigkeiten angekündigt und es passiert einfach N I X. Gut, dass wir uns weder Tickets für Rotterdam, noch für Dublin (!!!) geholt haben. Ich wäre nämlich ausgerastet.

Ergänzend möchte ich anmerken, dass ich mit allen Beyond The Gates - Gängern mitgelitten habe. Das war nämlich brutal hart, dass Sumerlands (mit Black Magic das Highlight des Festivals) kurz vorher absagen mussten. Übel.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
...also. Dann hier weiter. Die beiden neuen Songs finde ich gar nicht gut.
Oben Unten