GRIM REAPER (RIP Steve Grimmett)

Mit 62 und dann 4 Tage vorm 63 Geburtstag.
Muss hart für seine Familie sein, aber er ist im Schlaf gestorben, er hatte also keine Schmerzen.
Dennoch, quasi 63 ist viel zu früh.

Die ersten 3 Grim Reaper Alben sind Klassiker, wer die noch nicht hat und kennt, sollte zur 3-CD-Box greifen.
Aber auch die aktuellen Alben, das mit Onlaught und Lionheart haben ihre starken Momente.

Auch wenn du davon gesungen hast dass man sich in der Hölle wieder sieht, hoffe ich für dich, Steve, dass du an einen Ort voller Musik, alten Freunden und Gesundheit gegangen bist. Wo auch immer dieser Ort sein mag.
Thank you for the thousands of messages of condolences since the passing of my beloved Steve. I’m gradually reading a few at a time but I will get round them all eventually.

Steve had 2 passions, aeroplanes & being on stage, & it’s his fans that made being on stage possible. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for buying tickets, queuing for hours to meet him after a gig (which he was honoured that you all did) & buying his albums. After every gig he would call me to tell me how amazing the crowd were & about the people he met.

Over the weekend we were talking about our plans for the future. The tours he had coming up this year & next, the album he had half written, which had guest musicians on, the planes he was working on & looking forward to flying & the places we were looking forward to exploring together. Life was amazing. Steve was in the best place, mentally, that he’s been since loosing his leg. My heart couldn’t have loved him more.

I found steve forever asleep at home on Monday 15th August. He hadn’t been ill so to say this was a shock is an understatement. His official cause of death has not yet been released by the coroners.

My heart will forever be broken & my life now incomplete. I long for the day that we are together again. Steve sung a lot about hell but I know he is in heaven waiting for me and watching over his family.

Please help me keep his music & memory alive by playing everything he ever wrote, sung, produced & did guests slots on. If you don’t own it all, buy it, download it. Please keep his 40+ years on this mad industry going. There’s plenty of YouTube footage too & we all loved the Beavis & Butthead videos but none more than Steve.

Steve was known as the Metal Warrior, to me he was My Steve.

Thank you again. Blessings & prayers. Millie
we need your support here. This is a funding for the famliy of Steve Grimmett to cover the ridiculous high costs of the funeral and all the stuff surrounding it. Its time to give back to Steve, what he gave us in 40 years. Steve never got rich with music, he lived on his passion for Heavy Metal and Hard Rock and left us some immortal music that fans will still sing in the next 100 years. Please donate to the legend Steve was. Even if it is the smallest amount. Everything helps. This is officially supported by his caring wife Millie Grimmett and all funds will go straight to her. We as KEEP IT TRUE Festival will and will do even more stuff to help Steves family in the future. Please join us! Thank you!
In a special The Metal Voice episode Steve Grimmett's wife / former manager Millie Grimmett was interviewed and provided the fans with updates surrounding the passing of her husband, advised on funeral arrangements as well as expressed Steve's love for all his fans around the world.


Komplette The Metal Voice Special Episode, u.a. auch mit Max Norman und Todd LaTorre:
GRIM REAPER sind Ewigkeiten an mir vorbei gegangen, bis sie dann vor einigen Jahren auf dem German Swordbrothers angekündigt waren. Also hab ich mal ein Ohr riskiert, war positiv überrascht und habe mich auf den Auftritt gefreut. Doch dann hat Steve sich diese schreckliche Infektion zugezogen, wegen der er seinen Unterschenkel amputiert bekommen musste, und die Show konnte nicht stattfinden. Schlimme Sache, da hab ich auch was zum Spendentopf beigetragen. Auf dem darauffolgenden KIT sah ich Steve von der Tribüne aus, wie er im Rollstuhl durch die Halle fuhr und sich mit Fans unterhalten hat: Ein inspirierender Kämpfer.

Und jetzt also sein überraschender und viel zu früher Tod. RIP Steve, vielleicht sehe ich dich ja mal an einem anderen Ort...
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