Comic-Verfilmungen in Kino und TV (Non-Marvel)

Bei mir weckt das inzwischen auch gar kein Interesse mehr. Und ich hab in dem ganzen Trailer nicht einmal Tageslicht gesehn.... die "witze" vom Flash passen auch net rein. Und es deuten sich wieder etliche zeitlupen szenen an....
Für Wonder Women erscheinen auf den üblichen Comic-Seiten die ersten Reviews, die sich für einen DC Film bisher überwiegend außergewöhnlich positiv lesen:
Breaking from Zack Snyder’s signature sternness, Wonder Woman offers more vibrant colors and humor, though never at the expense of its iconic and inspiring heroine.
Wonder Woman is monumental, and far and away the best DCEU (the shorthand for DC Expanded Universe, the continuity of films that started with 2013’s Man of Steel) movie yet. (Which I realize isn’t saying much, coming from me.) Rather than stories of reluctant or brooding good guys, this film relishes in the wonder and excitement of being a superhero. Gadot’s face lights up as Diana tests her limits, leaps into action and saves the day. And we get to experience these intoxicating thrills with her. Tasked with the harrowing challenge of helming the first female-fronted superhero film of the genre’s latest boom, Jenkins delivers the full package, an enthralling journey with exhilarating and inventive action, a charismatic cast, moments of heartwarming levity and heart-wrenching drama, and — best of all — a protagonist we can clutch to, and want to follow on more and more adventures.
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