Scott "WINO" Weinrich

Seine Vorliebe für Verschwörungstheorien ist leider nichts neues. Mit THE HIDDEN HAND hat er das erste Mal öffentlich Stellung bezogen durch seine Vorliebe für den Autor David Icke. Seine Kommentare bzw. Diskussionsbeiträge auf der von dir geposteten Instagram-Seite sorgen erneut bei mir für eine gewisse Fassungslosigkeit. Gerade auch seine Antwort auf den User Crow-Wizard:

@crow_wizard the haarp weapon that was unleashed on texas in themost recent houston floods not to mention fukushima etc . Where you been ? You can order weather modification for your bday party in russia look up HAARP .its a tesla invention you shoot an amplified beam onto the ionosphere than it bounces back down to reveal geological deposits , oil,naturalgas , etc . If you leave it on it creates high and low pressurre: tornadoes , earth quakes , etc.Again a genius Tesla invention turned into a fukking weapon dig deep man not just on you tube etc . Alaska had / has a huge one check DAARPA / HAARP then talk to me . Wegotta disseminate knowledge or we will be stomped into the ground if you think out or any gov cares about the people justlook at history trail of tears, bombing the phillipines back to the stone age etcetc

Ich persönlich hoffe nur, dass seine persönliche, politische Meinung irgendwann nicht noch stärker Einfluss auf seine Musik nimmt wie es bei THE HIDDEN HAND der Fall war. Meine Toleranz wäre an dem Punkt ausgereizt, wenn dieses passieren würde. Ich mag einfach keine selbstgerechten Prediger.

Prima: zum Geburtstag kann man also Wetterveränderungen aus Russland bestellen; das passende Geschenk für Leute, die schon alles haben!
Wenn ich das früher gewusst hätte, wäre mir die eine oder andere ins Wasser gefallene Grillfeier erspart geblieben.
Guter Mann, der Wino.
Prima: zum Geburtstag kann man also Wetterveränderungen aus Russland bestellen; das passende Geschenk für Leute, die schon alles haben!
Wenn ich das früher gewusst hätte, wäre mir die eine oder andere ins Wasser gefallene Grillfeier erspart geblieben.
Guter Mann, der Wino.
Ich fürchte, du hast die Preisliste noch nicht gesehen. Kauf dir lieber nen Pavillon :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wino, Quelle FB


Two evenings ago, I received an email from Psycho Las Vegas, wherein they informed me, and other artists, that this event would require that all people, attendees and artists, wear a mask at ALL times indoors. The exception only being while singing on stage, all non-singing musicians, band members, etc. are required to be masked during the performance. This includes drummers. Also, as soon as the performance is over, artists will be required to re-don masks in backstage, front of house, vip lounges, and common areas. I have dug very deep when researching covid-19 not just on youtube, but in scientific publications, journals, lectures, etc. I BELIEVE THE VIRUS EXISTS, and has been weaponized as has been proven in congressional hearings where the evidence is overwhelming. Our govt (NIH) has been complicit in the financing, and shared scientific lab work creating a SARS based super coronavirus, designed specifically for lethality and easy dissemination amongst the human population. Bio-weapons are nothing new, but in my personal opinion pure evil. Early on in the so called pandemic it was stated by the CDC that PCR tests were inaccurate in determining if one had the virus, because they are designed for individuals who already were symptomatic. The CDC quickly backtracked as it was a desirable test to cause FALSE POSITIVES. Also, the Innova rapid tests have been recalled by the FDA for also giving inaccurate results. Mainstream media did not report this, and these tests are still in use. A paper mask was also first said by the WHO and so called experts to be useless against the virus, then of course the official word was again changed. My personal beliefs are: We are under the authoritarian cloak of a small cadre of unelected so called “elite” who are beyond rich and consequently consider themselves above the common man. This virus I believe was created as a depopulation tool, and the fear associated with it as a means to subjugate and enslave you and I, the common people. I cannot, in good conscious, perform my music in an environment that is designed to take away individuality, civil liberties and free will. I will not be performing this night at Psycho Las Vegas, not out of fear, but principle. If we, the people, continue to blindly accept this tyranny we are destined for enslavement. These are my personal views, but I urge everyone to dig deep. My apologies to my friends and fans, but it’s time to wake up.

WINO 8/19/2021
Plague Years
Wino, Quelle FB


Two evenings ago, I received an email from Psycho Las Vegas, wherein they informed me, and other artists, that this event would require that all people, attendees and artists, wear a mask at ALL times indoors. The exception only being while singing on stage, all non-singing musicians, band members, etc. are required to be masked during the performance. This includes drummers. Also, as soon as the performance is over, artists will be required to re-don masks in backstage, front of house, vip lounges, and common areas. I have dug very deep when researching covid-19 not just on youtube, but in scientific publications, journals, lectures, etc. I BELIEVE THE VIRUS EXISTS, and has been weaponized as has been proven in congressional hearings where the evidence is overwhelming. Our govt (NIH) has been complicit in the financing, and shared scientific lab work creating a SARS based super coronavirus, designed specifically for lethality and easy dissemination amongst the human population. Bio-weapons are nothing new, but in my personal opinion pure evil. Early on in the so called pandemic it was stated by the CDC that PCR tests were inaccurate in determining if one had the virus, because they are designed for individuals who already were symptomatic. The CDC quickly backtracked as it was a desirable test to cause FALSE POSITIVES. Also, the Innova rapid tests have been recalled by the FDA for also giving inaccurate results. Mainstream media did not report this, and these tests are still in use. A paper mask was also first said by the WHO and so called experts to be useless against the virus, then of course the official word was again changed. My personal beliefs are: We are under the authoritarian cloak of a small cadre of unelected so called “elite” who are beyond rich and consequently consider themselves above the common man. This virus I believe was created as a depopulation tool, and the fear associated with it as a means to subjugate and enslave you and I, the common people. I cannot, in good conscious, perform my music in an environment that is designed to take away individuality, civil liberties and free will. I will not be performing this night at Psycho Las Vegas, not out of fear, but principle. If we, the people, continue to blindly accept this tyranny we are destined for enslavement. These are my personal views, but I urge everyone to dig deep. My apologies to my friends and fans, but it’s time to wake up.

WINO 8/19/2021
Plague Years
Ich freue mich schon auf Wino with Wendler, das neue Wahrheitsprojekt. Oder war das Wino/Nena - Liebe und Frieden?

Edit: Ich dachte übrigens, dass sich Scott schon schlimmere Sachen als SARS-CoV2 freiwillig reingezogen hat. Und immer dieses Geheule wegen der Maske, reißt euch mal zusammen Leute.
Bei ihm tut es mir von allen Musikern am meisten leid, dass er nun auch so unterwegs ist. Ich habe circa ab 2010 seine Bands immer begeistert verfolgt und ihn in dieser Zeit oft live gesehen.
Saint Vitus, Premonition 13, The Obsessed, Wino Solo, Wino & Conny Ochs, Spirit Caravan, Shrinebuilder. Habe seine Kreativität sehr geschätzt. Mit seinen Drogen Eskapaden hat er sich dann seine Karriere selbst versaut. Mit diesen Statements tut er es für mich wohl auch.
Boah, das kann doch echt nicht wahr sein, dass Wino jetzt auch so einen brägenversengten Sermon ablässt. Als Anhänger seiner Musik nervt mich das erheblich. Drogen schädigen dann doch das Hirn in erheblichem Maße oder das radikal-libertäre Denken tut es. Eins von beidem wird's sein.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hm, so überraschend ist es eigentlich nicht. Ich hatte ja schon öfters erwähnt, dass das alles ab ca. 2004 losging.

Ja, stimmt hattest du erwähnt. Falls das so war, hab ich das nicht mitbekommen, weil in Interviews, die ich gelesen hatte, kam das nicht durch. Vielleicht hätte ich seine Lyrics aufmerksamer lesen sollen.
Ich kenne seine Musikalisches Schaffen nicht, aber es wundert mich immer wieder wie man an solchen Schwachsinn glauben kann! Ich hatte mal (in der Ausbildung z. Altenpfleger) auch einen Kollegen der solchen Mumpitz erzählte! Die Kondensstreifen am Himmel sind Chemikalien, Medikamente sind alle schlecht (lieber Selbstangebaute Kräuter),...! Wie dumm können Menschen sein, echt!!!!
Hm, so überraschend ist es eigentlich nicht. Ich hatte ja schon öfters erwähnt, dass das alles ab ca. 2004 losging.

Ich weiß, aber zu dieser Zeit habe ich Verschwörungstheorien für Gedankenkonstrukte gehalten, die man ganz interessant finden kann. Aber nie hätte ich gedacht, dass das ein Mensch, der halbwegs bei Trost ist, ernsthaft glauben kann.
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