Lange musste man auf das Necroharmonic Release der Demos-Compilation der US-Primitiv-Death-Metal-Pioniere PHLEGM (wie Blasphemy auch nicht ganz so koschere Typen) warten. Endlich ist es da und das Ergebnis ist überraschend gut ausgefallen für ein Produkt von dem Kollegen Fox: Doppel-CD mit allen 4 Demos (was die 7" Songs beinhaltet), 2 unveröffentlichte Stücke, Bildchen, Linernotes, Bonus-CD mit Liveshow. Alles dazu noch in einem passablen Sound.
Geboten wird zeitweise chaotisch, nahe am alten Grindcore knüppelnder, zeitweise schwer wetzender Ultra-Stumpf-Sound archaischster Brutalität. Ungekünstelt und direkt und ziemlich fies. Rottrevore waren dagegen damals schon progressiv. Ansonsten sei angemerkt, dass hier genau der richtige Stoff geboten wird für Fans von Blood, alten (!) Mortician, Ulcerous Phlehm, auch Autopsy, uralten Incantation (nur stumpfer), Embalmer, Headrot, Hideous Mangleus, Impetigo, uralten Pungent Stench, Nuclear Death, Repulsion, uralte Exhumed...
PHLEGM "Consumed By The Dead " x 2 CD
Rhode Island's most cult and underground band Demo discography release. Phlegm was formed in 1988 and released demos and a 7" ep til 1991. They played 100's of shows and set up some of the earliest death metal fests and booked the sickest bands in Providence RI , U.S.A
Here is a collection a DOUBLE CD release of ALL the classic studio demo releases , including " CONSUMED BY THE DEAD " demo , ' CLOTHESHANGER ABORTION " demo , "SATAN'S RECTUM " demo and pre release demo " MASTERPIECE OF MUTILATION " .
All 4 demos , 42 total tracks , includes two previously unreleased tracks.
Also !
Added as bonus CD disc # 2 another full length live soundboard release with all the putrid gore, grind, doom and noise . including 13 tracks performed live in 1991.
50+ tracks of the most vile and rotten death metal from 1988-1991
Cd included a complete history on the band , and flyers , old photos and more
Sleazy 032

Geboten wird zeitweise chaotisch, nahe am alten Grindcore knüppelnder, zeitweise schwer wetzender Ultra-Stumpf-Sound archaischster Brutalität. Ungekünstelt und direkt und ziemlich fies. Rottrevore waren dagegen damals schon progressiv. Ansonsten sei angemerkt, dass hier genau der richtige Stoff geboten wird für Fans von Blood, alten (!) Mortician, Ulcerous Phlehm, auch Autopsy, uralten Incantation (nur stumpfer), Embalmer, Headrot, Hideous Mangleus, Impetigo, uralten Pungent Stench, Nuclear Death, Repulsion, uralte Exhumed...
PHLEGM "Consumed By The Dead " x 2 CD
Rhode Island's most cult and underground band Demo discography release. Phlegm was formed in 1988 and released demos and a 7" ep til 1991. They played 100's of shows and set up some of the earliest death metal fests and booked the sickest bands in Providence RI , U.S.A
Here is a collection a DOUBLE CD release of ALL the classic studio demo releases , including " CONSUMED BY THE DEAD " demo , ' CLOTHESHANGER ABORTION " demo , "SATAN'S RECTUM " demo and pre release demo " MASTERPIECE OF MUTILATION " .
All 4 demos , 42 total tracks , includes two previously unreleased tracks.
Also !
Added as bonus CD disc # 2 another full length live soundboard release with all the putrid gore, grind, doom and noise . including 13 tracks performed live in 1991.
50+ tracks of the most vile and rotten death metal from 1988-1991
Cd included a complete history on the band , and flyers , old photos and more
Sleazy 032