St. Vitus: Dank Black Flag einst in den 1980ern drauf gestossen.
Waren 2 x in Freiburg. Die Tour zu jenem Album einst verpasst. Die nachfolgende Tour zum C.O.D. Album war dann der Hammer. Im Jazzhaus, Freiburg.

Uwe Deese hatte einst die Reviews im RH geschrieben. Auch Doom Deese genannt.
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Vorgeschmack auf das neue The Obsessed Album:


Making this record has been the hardest thing I've ever done” he adds. “Jason and I met just out of school and instantly became best friends. All of my memories as an adult feature him. All of the songs on this record are about him, about me, about our drug use and his death. I'm not close to getting over the grief. In a lot of ways I've lost my mind. I hope that people are touched by the record - I am often on the verge of tears while playing..It's tough reliving those moments
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