Um ehrlich zu sein habe ich nach der HORDE an MerchMerchMerchNews nicht mehr dran geglaubt. Ich bin sehr sehr gespannt und erwarte nichts anderes als eine mindestens so gute Scheibe wie das Debut.
Ob die "spanische Knalltüte" bereits die JPG-Dateien an den mexikanischen Textildrucker gesendet hat? Nicht dass wir am Ende am 21. November mit ohne Totenhemd dastehen... :D
Pff. Kein neues Merch, langweilig... o_O

Spaß bei Seite. Erwarte großartiges. The Armor of Ire habe ich zu Tode gehört und ist immer noch geil.
The time has come.
The second
Eternal Champion
full-length album is completed and already has a release date for November 20th of 2020.
The album will be named "Ravening Iron" and will be released worldwide by No Remorse Records on CD format, vinyl records and box set,
except for the territory of the United States where the vinyl records will be exclusively released and distributed by Sword Worship.
The same-titled song "Ravening Iron" will be presented for the first time on August 22nd, on Episode 5 of Keep It True Festival TV.
The next day, on August 23rd, all details about the long-awaited new Eternal Champion album, will be revealed.

The time has come.
The second
Eternal Champion
full-length album is completed and already has a release date for November 20th of 2020.
The album will be named "Ravening Iron" and will be released worldwide by No Remorse Records on CD format, vinyl records and box set,
except for the territory of the United States where the vinyl records will be exclusively released and distributed by Sword Worship.
The same-titled song "Ravening Iron" will be presented for the first time on August 22nd, on Episode 5 of Keep It True Festival TV.
The next day, on August 23rd, all details about the long-awaited new Eternal Champion album, will be revealed.


The time has come.

The second Eternal Champion full-length album is completed and already has a release date for November 20th of 2020.

The album will be named "Ravening Iron" and will be released worldwide by No Remorse Records on CD format, vinyl records and box set, except for the territory of the United States where the vinyl records will be exclusively released and distributed by Sword Worship.

The same-titled song "Ravening Iron" will be presented for the first time on August 22nd, on Episode 5 of Keep It True Festival TV.

The next day, on August 23rd, all details about the long-awaited new Eternal Champion album, will be revealed.

Oben Unten