Dream Tröll

Heute kam mein Gemälde an.
Gerade für mich entdeckt und bin einfach nur begeistert. Ich weiß nicht wann mich das letzte mal eine Traditionsband so mitgenommen hat. Stimme der Sänger fantastisch, Musik hat eine extrem hohe Eigenständigkeit und Melodien zum niederknien.
Eigentlich kann man da nur noch sagen:

We sold our soul for ROCK ‘N’ TRöLL!
Timeless masters of ROCK ‘N’ ROLL!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Some of you will be sad to know that, Paul Walsh, has chosen to not continue with his role as the vocalist in Dream Tröll.
We've known for a while but we decided to find a replacement for the upcoming gigs before making an announcement.

This marks an end of a chapter for Dream Tröll, but more excitingly the start of the next chapter.

The main song writer/leading force behind Dream Tröll still remains so rest assured the essence of the band will continue.

We're really looking forward to what lies ahead with future recordings and the amazing gigs we have announced (and unannounced that we can't talk about yet )

Quelle: FB
Some of you will be sad to know that, Paul Walsh, has chosen to not continue with his role as the vocalist in Dream Tröll.
We've known for a while but we decided to find a replacement for the upcoming gigs before making an announcement.

This marks an end of a chapter for Dream Tröll, but more excitingly the start of the next chapter.

The main song writer/leading force behind Dream Tröll still remains so rest assured the essence of the band will continue.

We're really looking forward to what lies ahead with future recordings and the amazing gigs we have announced (and unannounced that we can't talk about yet )

Quelle: FB
Scheiße! Gerade die Vocals waren ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal. Viel Glück beim Sängerfinden.
Ach verdammt, das sind jetzt gar keine guten Neuigkeiten. Positiv stimmt mich immerhin, dass man den unbedingten Willen zum Weitermachen vernimmt.
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