VULTURE - High Speed Metal


DVP 296 Vulture – Sentinels MC

DYING VICTIMS PRODUCTIONS is proud to present VULTURE’s fourth album, Sentinels, on music cassette format. Licensed from Metal Blade.

The German five piece is back with a new full length, filled to the brim with raging speed metal anthems. At this point VULTURE will sound like VULTURE, but at the same time they keep refining their song material to be even more catchy, fast and wild.

– MC edition with sticker and button
Die Sentinels habe ich gestern Abend mal wieder gehört.

Das Ding besteht ja (fast) nur aus Ohrwürmern :jubel:
Und dieser Bass! Hatte davor Powerslave laufen und das hat schon in dem Bereich echt starke Maiden Vibes.

Muss ich unbedingt mal Live sehen
Oben Unten