Anthems: Wir ermitteln unsere RUSH All Time Top 20!!

Ich gestehe, dass ich "Spirit of Radio" trotz des Reggaeparts auch sehr mag, aber 'Natural Science', 'Jacobs Ladder', 'Entre Nous' und auch 'Freewill' finde ich alle noch besser. Ich bin selbst überrascht, dass ich das Album tatsächlich nicht drin habe. Der eigentliche Skandal ist, dass man nur 10 Songs nominieren konnte.

Richtig, bei Rush hätte eine 20er oder 25er Liste pro "Mitspieler" mehr Sinn gemacht und daraus dann eine Liste von puh 40 oder gar 50 Titel destilliert wäre schon optimal. Das wäre dann ein Thread den man auf ein Jahr hätte ausdehnen können. Jede Woche nur eine Position genannt oder so - ein Träumchen wäre das. :D
Freewill und Natural Science, beide großartige Kompositionen und beide knapp unter meiner Top 10 geblieben, weil ich von diesem Gottalbum nur einen Song nominiert habe. Aber gerade den hypnotischen 7/8 Takt bei Natural Science bekommen ich nicht aus meinem Kopf raus. Eigentlich wollte ich nur einen Song pro Album auswählen, um z.B. machen unbekannten Helden auch Ehre zu gebühren. Bei zwei Alben ist mir dies aber nicht gelungen und es wurde zwei Songs pro Album. Tja, was für Umstände. Bin doch sehr gespannt welche ein oder andere Überraschung da noch aufgelistet wird.
Rätsel in der Finsternis!
Ich gestehe, dass ich "Spirit of Radio" trotz des Reggaeparts auch sehr mag, aber 'Natural Science', 'Jacobs Ladder', 'Entre Nous' und auch 'Freewill' finde ich alle noch besser. Ich bin selbst überrascht, dass ich das Album tatsächlich nicht drin habe. Der eigentliche Skandal ist, dass man nur 10 Songs nominieren konnte.

Der @Vauxdvihl versucht hier ganz klar vom eigenen Versagen abzulenken, das ist ja wie im Bundestag hier!!

13. The Camera Eye (37 Punkte, 4 Nennungen)
(Moving Pictures, 1981)

"It's funny, some of those old songs sound so strange to me now, but when you start playing them you get back into that head-space you were in when they were written and recorded. It's really all about your sense of perspective. A few years ago we brought back 'The Camera Eye'. I never wanted to play that song. I never thought it was particularly worthy. And yet it was one the most requested Rush songs. I couldn't understand it. How could people be so wrong? I realised I underestimate the moment in time - the context of that moment. When we started playing 'The Camera Eye', I thought, okay, there are a lot of pretentious moments in this song. It hasn't aged well. But then I started re-learning the keyboard parts and putting together a slightly different version - instead of eleven minutes it clocks in at nine-and-a-half. And in the playing of it, yes, I fell in love with it again. And that's where it becomes very subjective, and not objective. I stopped being able to tell if it was a pretentious song, and I just enjoyed playing those chords and I remembered why the song got recorded in the first place - I liked the chord progression and the vocal melodies. You can go back to that time and appreciate what you were trying to do. This song - it was a point in your life, and fans want to relive that point in your life and you can have fun playing it. I dig the hell out of that song now." (Geddy Lee, 2015)

13. The Camera Eye (37 Punkte, 4 Nennungen)
(Moving Pictures, 1981)

"It's funny, some of those old songs sound so strange to me now, but when you start playing them you get back into that head-space you were in when they were written and recorded. It's really all about your sense of perspective. A few years ago we brought back 'The Camera Eye'. I never wanted to play that song. I never thought it was particularly worthy. And yet it was one the most requested Rush songs. I couldn't understand it. How could people be so wrong? I realised I underestimate the moment in time - the context of that moment. When we started playing 'The Camera Eye', I thought, okay, there are a lot of pretentious moments in this song. It hasn't aged well. But then I started re-learning the keyboard parts and putting together a slightly different version - instead of eleven minutes it clocks in at nine-and-a-half. And in the playing of it, yes, I fell in love with it again. And that's where it becomes very subjective, and not objective. I stopped being able to tell if it was a pretentious song, and I just enjoyed playing those chords and I remembered why the song got recorded in the first place - I liked the chord progression and the vocal melodies. You can go back to that time and appreciate what you were trying to do. This song - it was a point in your life, and fans want to relive that point in your life and you can have fun playing it. I dig the hell out of that song now." (Geddy Lee, 2015)

3. Song der Moving Pictures, der 3. der nicht in meiner Liste war. Rein von der Logik her müsste als nächstes Vital Signs kommen, dann wären meine 3 Nominierten in den Top 10 fällig und das Album komplett. Das würde der besten Rush auch nur gerecht werden.
Ich bitte zu beachten, dass der Song 37 Punkte mit gerade mal vier Nennungen erreicht hat. Drei Teilnehmer hatten 'The Camera Eye' auf ihrem ersten Platz.

Ha! Ich hatte ihn drin, aber nicht auf der 1.

Aus "Moving Pictures" kann man ja eigentlich jeden Song nennen, "Camera Eye" ist für mich der Turm, der auf diesem Album noch etwas höher in den Prog-Himmel ragt als der Rest. Weit über den Wolken sind alle.
Wenn wir schon bei "Moving Pictures" sind, hier ist mein Ranking der Tracks:

1. Vital Signs
2. Limelight
3. Witch Hunt
4. YYZ
5. Tom Sawyer
6. The Camera Eye
7. Red Barachetta

How about you?
Spannend! "Vital Signs" ist der Song, der mir am wenigsten gefällt. Mein Ranking:

1. Red Barchetta
2. Yyz
3. Tom Sawyer
4. The Camera Eye
5. Witch Hunt
6. Limelight
7. Vital Signs

Also eigentlich fast genau umgekehrt zu Deiner Liste und auch zu der von @IlMonco ...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

13. The Camera Eye (37 Punkte, 4 Nennungen)
(Moving Pictures, 1981)

"It's funny, some of those old songs sound so strange to me now, but when you start playing them you get back into that head-space you were in when they were written and recorded. It's really all about your sense of perspective. A few years ago we brought back 'The Camera Eye'. I never wanted to play that song. I never thought it was particularly worthy. And yet it was one the most requested Rush songs. I couldn't understand it. How could people be so wrong? I realised I underestimate the moment in time - the context of that moment. When we started playing 'The Camera Eye', I thought, okay, there are a lot of pretentious moments in this song. It hasn't aged well. But then I started re-learning the keyboard parts and putting together a slightly different version - instead of eleven minutes it clocks in at nine-and-a-half. And in the playing of it, yes, I fell in love with it again. And that's where it becomes very subjective, and not objective. I stopped being able to tell if it was a pretentious song, and I just enjoyed playing those chords and I remembered why the song got recorded in the first place - I liked the chord progression and the vocal melodies. You can go back to that time and appreciate what you were trying to do. This song - it was a point in your life, and fans want to relive that point in your life and you can have fun playing it. I dig the hell out of that song now." (Geddy Lee, 2015)

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